Tuesday 27 July 2010

Groundwater monitoring training - Delegate total hits the century mark

Waterra UK has now taken more than 100 delegates through training on groundwater monitoring methodologies and equipment since we started our 1 day and half day programme of public courses.

As Peter Dumble, Waterra UK MD, said "this is quite a moment for the company because we weren't sure what the take up of our training courses would be like when we started out.  People like the practical nature of the sessions and are excited by the opportunities that low flow sampling techniques offer to save money and reduce effort."

Our most recent workshop, held in Glasgow, was attended by a lot of representatives from the energy sector.  We are beginning to find that delegates are coming from a wider variety of industries and organisations than when we first started.  A function of the new environmental legislation coming through perhaps?

The next training session in the calendar focuses on groundwater sampling methodologies and is being held in Birmingham on Wednesday 8th September.

For more information on Waterra's training courses and to download a booking form visit the training pages on our website or call us at 44 (0)121 733 7743 today.

Waterra UK -  We stock RSS Active Skimmers for the collection and removal of hydrocarbon layers

Thursday 15 July 2010

Reduce the cost of groundwater sampling

The need to undertake groundwater sampling is increasing as legislation (particularly the  water framework directive) requires businesses to take responsibility for monitoring their own impact on groundwater.

Businesses are now assessing and reviewing techniques to take samples from boreholes and wells. They are likely to be concerned at the costs of sampling using standard methods involving pumping and purging of boreholes prior to sampling. Purging is a costly process because it requires expensive equipment, takes signifcant time and labour effort and can involve the need to dispose and treat contaminated waste water.

Here's some good news. There are cheaper and equally effective alternatives!

A comparison of the overall cost of groundwater sampling using diffferent sampling methodologies and equipment in the USA reveals that passive sampling methods can cost up to 70% less than conventional 3 well volume or low purge sampling methods - and yield comparable water quality results!

Let's focus today on the HydraSleeve. The HydraSleeve passive sampling method is a highly accurate way of obtaining discrete and multiple interval samples. Just as importantly costs per sample are much lower than standard methods.
  • The training overhead is lower.
  • It requires less man power to use.
  • No purge water is produced for remediation or disposal
  • Sampling is safe and quick - no mechanical or electrical equipment involved.
Waterra has the full range of HydraSleeve samplers and accessories available. We also provide groundwater sampling training courses that will give you key insights in how to use HydraSleeve or see other methods in action.

To find out how you could use HydraSleeve to reduce the cost of your groundwater sampling call 44 (0)121 733 7743 today.

Waterra UK - Providing tools for Hydrogeological Risk Assessment

Monday 5 July 2010

Geotechnica 2010 - Waterra will be there

Waterra UK will be exhibiting at this year's Geotechnica technical trade show and exhibition at The Upton Estate showground, Banbury, Oxfordshire on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th July.

The event is focusing on innovation within the geotechnical and drilling sectors and is an excellent opportunity for Waterra to show off a wide range of its groundwater sampling and monitoring equipment.

This year our focus is on highlighting new, cost effective ways of borehole and well sampling using low flow and passive sampling methodologies. So we will be on hand to talk through the benefits of using peristaltic and bladder pumps, and passive sampling equipment such as the HydraSleeve.

For more information on how Waterra's low flow and passive sampling solutions can help your business call 44 (0)121 733 7743 today.

Waterra UK Ltd - For ClearView disposable PVC bailers